Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Theodore Roosevelt

Today our history teacher told us a story about Teddy Roosevelt. One day while he was out hunting in the woods with some of his dogs, when Roosevelt came across a bear. This bear was wounded and very angry, when Roosevelt’s favorite dog went up to the bear it got hit with the bears’ claw and the dog died. Roosevelt was devastated when he realized that his dog was killed and he went back to the cabin for a long time, until some of his aids came to talk to him and tell him they had a surprise for him. When Roosevelt went out to see the surprise it was the bear, the bear had been shot multiple times and was going to bleed to death. One of the aids handed Roosevelt the rifle and told him to shoot the bear. Roosevelt didn’t felt that it wasn’t right to kill the bear but he also thought that it was inhumane to let the bear bleed to death, so he told one of his aids to shoot it. One day after a man heard the story of the hunting incident, he decided to make the Teddy Bear, named after Theodore Roosevelt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like that bear!