Friday, April 4, 2008

world war 1 cont

Today in AP United States History we learned more about World War One. We learned about how the war ended and how President Wilson insisted on a “peace without victory,” a detailed list of war aims, known as the Fourteen Points. The Fourteen Points listed what each nation had to do to restore peace. Germany had to return Alsace and Lorraine to France. Germany had to evacuate Belgium in the west and Romania and Serbia. There had to be open, not secret, diplomacy. There also had to be Freedom of the Seas, which meant that Germany had to stop submarine warfare. The trade barriers had to be taken away, making it so that anyone could trade with whomever. Germany had to reduce their army. There was self-determination for various nationalities within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Association of Nations became the League of Nations. There were also the Big Four which included David Lloyd George, Britain, Vitlorio Orlando, Italy, Georges Clemenceau, France, and President Wilson United States. These people created the Treaty of Versailles.

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